‘It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me’ Taylor Swift

‘It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me’…. I love Taylor Swift & she’s taking the UK by storm & my daughter is going to see her in August in Poland as she couldn’t get UK tickets As coincidence would have it I was actually listening to ‘Anti Hero’ on Spotify when I read this […]

The Horse Has Bolted: My Child Has a Smartphone! Now What?

Managing a child’s smartphone use can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to ensure your child’s safety and well-being even if they have a smartphone already! Set Clear Rules and Expectations: Establish clear guidelines for smartphone usage, including when and where it’s appropriate to use the device, as well as time limits for […]

Here are 20 questions to ask your child to help support their wellbeing.

You may be worried about the effects of having lived through a pandemic is still having on your child’s wellbeing. Here are 20 questions to help These are still challenging times for children. We need to stay connected with them without fussing. One simple way to connect is over eating together, playing together – or […]

Let’s Make Getting a Smartphone a ‘Milestone Moment’

I’ve been thinking about how to help parents delay giving their child a Smartphone and I thought about my own kid’s milestones. Childhood is a kaleidoscope of experiences, a journey punctuated by significant milestones that shape our children isn’t it?  From their first tentative steps to the exhilarating triumphs of independence, these moments mark the […]

‘Digital Pacifiers’: A Modern Comfort or A Huge Concern?

Using smartphones as ‘digital pacifiers’ or ‘dummies’ is an increasing phenomenon in our modern society, where smartphones serve as soothing tools for both toddlers and teens. While the term ‘pacifier’ or ‘dummy’ traditionally refers to a rubber object designed to calm babies by satisfying their innate sucking reflex, the concept has evolved in the digital […]

Before Giving Your Kids A Smartphone Ask Yourself These Questions

Giving a child a smartphone without guidance is like giving them the keys to a 4×4 without teaching them how to drive – it can lead to terrible accidents and enormous dangers on their digital journey‼️ 97% of 12 year olds now have access to a smartphone and 45% are online ”almost constantly” So the […]

The Great Smartphone Debate: Does Your Parenting Style Hold the Key? 📱🔑

I’m interested in raising awareness around delaying, not denying kids smartphones. It’s not about scary mongering or searching for doom & gloom research about the dangers of smartphones – for me it’s about supporting parents in feeling more confident in their decisions, whatever they are, and helping them handle the whining, pressure & anger that […]

Digital Wellness Tips for Parents & Children

‘The New Digital Divide’ is digital wellness — which means responsible and healthy relationships with technology — all part of overall children & student wellbeing which is an essential 21st-century skill. It is not uncommon that children spend 6 to 8 hours on digital screens every day. Some children are taught knowledge and skills necessary […]