Navigating the Digital Jungle

With Sue Atkins and Friends

Welcome to the Navigating the Digital Jungle with Sue Atkins and Friends Podcast page.  

This podcast offers a unique blend of expertise and perspectives to help your family thrive in the digital age. Explore how to harness the power of technology while maintaining a healthy balance in your family lives.

Here you can access the podcast episodes as they are released as well as listening to previous episodes. And of course you can find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts too.

Listen to the latest episode 

Episode 4: Behind the Selfie, Girls, Social Media and Self-Esteem

In this episode of ‘Navigating the Digital Jungle’, Sue Atkins is joined by Angeline Corvaglia, creator of Data Girl and Friends, to explore the impact of social media on girls’ body image and self-esteem. Drawing on insights from social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s book ‘The Anxious Generation’, they discuss the mental health challenges young girls face due to the unrealistic standards presented on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. They emphasise the importance of promoting media literacy, encouraging offline activities, and fostering open conversations within families.
Angeline shares her personal experiences and insights into how AI and algorithms exacerbate these issues while offering practical tips for parents to support their children.
The episode concludes with a call to action for World Digital Detox Day and a segment on family change focused on promoting positive role models and critical evaluation of online content.

***In collaboration with ***

Thank you to our global digital wellness partners World Digital Detox Day. 

The ‘World Digital Detox Day’ initiative was set up by Zep Wellness Foundation, a nonprofit organisation on a mission to empower wellness worldwide. The foundation strongly believes in setting healthy guidelines and boundaries for society’s relationship with technology. By starting this education from an early age, they aimed to prevent the development of ”digital dementia” and preserve essential elements of human interaction and well-being in an era dominated by technology.

Previous episodes 

Episode 3: Mental wellness for kids in the digital world

In this episode of ‘Navigating the Digital Jungle’, Sue Atkins, Angeline Corvaglia and Marneta Viegas explore the impact of technology on children’s mental health and well-being. They discuss essential components of good mental health in children and the negative effects of technology overuse, such as reduced physical activity and sleep disruption. Angeline offers practical advice for parents to balance screen time at home, while Marneta shares insights from her Relax Kids programme designed to support children’s mental and emotional health. 
And Sue offers her ‘ING’ ideas for finding Balance with Activities Off Screen: like climbing, biking, playing, cooking, baking, creating to roller skating or exploring in the garden, to make it compelling to come together and connect.
The episode also features tips for reducing screen dependency, maintaining healthy tech habits, and the importance of simplicity in mental health practices. The show concludes with listener questions, strategies for managing tech use, and practical solutions for digital detox.

Tara discusses the importance of setting boundaries and suggests the idea of having family contracts for phone usage, while Angeline highlights educational videos to foster healthy digital habits. Special guest Lucy Smith shares her personal journey with her autistic daughter, who decided herself to give up her smartphone for better mental health.

Episode 2: Understanding the Digital Landscape – FOMO and Phones

In this episode of ‘Navigating the Digital Jungle’, Sue Atkins is joined by Tara Jones, an experienced Deputy Head and Ed Tech Consultant, Angeline Corvaglia, the creator of Data Girls and Friends along with special guest Lucy Smith from Inclusive Change. Together, they delve into the challenges of screen time and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) among children.

Tara discusses the importance of setting boundaries and suggests the idea of having family contracts for phone usage, while Angeline highlights educational videos to foster healthy digital habits. Special guest Lucy Smith shares her personal journey with her autistic daughter, who decided herself to give up her smartphone for better mental health.

Episode 1: Smartphone Safari

In this episode of ‘Navigating the Digital Jungle with Sue Atkins and Friends,’ Sue Atkins, Tara Jones, and Angeline Corvaglia, focus on the challenge of surviving the Smartphone Safari with Kids. 

The discussion covers healthy screen time, online safety, AI literacy, managing smartphones for children, and the impact of internet usage on developing brains. The episode emphasises the importance of understanding and navigating the complexities of smartphone usage, digital literacy, parental controls, and finding a balanced approach to technology use within the family. Additionally, it addresses strategies for engaging children about technology, setting boundaries, and ensuring a healthy digital environment at home.

Welcome to my podcast – what to expect

In this launch episode of ‘Navigating the Digital Jungle,’ host Sue Atkins, alongside experts Tara Jones and Angeline Corvaglia, introduce a podcast aimed at helping families navigate the complexities of technology. They will be exploring challenges such as cyberbullying, smartphone addiction, and maintaining mental health in the digital age. It will offer insights, tips, and advice from a blend of perspectives to assist families in striking a healthy balance with technology use, guiding them to thrive in the digital landscape while exploring the relationship between technology, parenting, and family life.

00:00 Welcome to the Digital Jungle: Introductions and Aims

00:54 The Challenges of Digital Parenting

01:54 Embarking on a Digital Adventure Together