Blog Posts

Navigating the Digital Jungle: Handling The Age Gap Divide Around Devices

My kids are 2 years apart and get all so well. It makes my soul sing. They laugh at the same things, share jokes I don’t always understand and as a family we have great ‘bantz’ on Whatsapp. They are...

Nature, Nurture and Nourishment – ‘Relax Kids’

From Years and years ago, we sat, as families and communities around the blazing orange camp fire each night telling stories, jokes, sharing ideas and going over each day. We felt...

The Siren Song of Seduction. The Internet and Boys: Understanding and Mitigating the Risks

In an age where digital technology is omnipresent, the internet has become an inescapable part of daily life, especially for the younger generation. Boys, in particular, are often drawn to the vast...

How Tech Changes Families. What does it mean when a baby’s first word isn’t “Mama” or “Dada” but “Phone”?

I’m  sharing this thought provoking article in it’s  entirety as it’s so thought provoking from The Child Mind Institute  You probably saw that funny old YouTube video of...

‘It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me’ Taylor Swift

‘It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me’…. I love Taylor Swift & she’s taking the UK by storm & my daughter is going to see her in August in Poland as she couldn’t get UK tickets As...

The Horse Has Bolted: My Child Has a Smartphone! Now What?

Managing a child’s smartphone use can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to ensure your child’s safety and well-being even if they have a smartphone already! Set Clear...

Here are 20 questions to ask your child to help support their wellbeing.

You may be worried about the effects of having lived through a pandemic is still having on your child’s wellbeing. Here are 20 questions to help These are still challenging times for children. We need...

Let’s Make Getting a Smartphone a ‘Milestone Moment’

I’ve been thinking about how to help parents delay giving their child a Smartphone and I thought about my own kid’s milestones. Childhood is a kaleidoscope of experiences, a journey punctuated by...

‘Digital Pacifiers’: A Modern Comfort or A Huge Concern?

Using smartphones as ‘digital pacifiers’ or ‘dummies’ is an increasing phenomenon in our modern society, where smartphones serve as soothing tools for both toddlers and teens. While the term...